Dance recital 2017

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Today was Aub & Bitty’s  dance rehearsal and recital. Aub’s fourth year of dancing complete and Bitty’s first! 

We started our day by waking the girls up at 5:30am. My two girls that are very much so like me, not morning people, ha ha. Surprisingly it went very smoothly. Hair and makeup done and out the door within an hour. Picked them up breakfast on the way to rehearsal that started at 8am. 

Bitty has been talking about dancing on that big stage like her sissy since last May. Last May we weren’t sure we’d keep her off of the stage while she watched her sister dance. So she was beyond ready today. 

This year they are remodeling the university where their recital was being held. With 120 dancers, and all of the dressing rooms under construction it was sure to be an interesting day. So they split it up into two separate recitals to attempt to make it easier on everyone. Rehearsal with a tad chaotic, but rehearsal went off without a hitch. And thankfully the rain held out until this evening after we got home!

Since I’m Bitty’s dance mom for their class I needed to stay back stage with the little ladies the entire time. So Aub’s Nannie Boo was a huge help and stayed in the back to help out with Aub’s class as well. Lucky for me, Bitty danced right after her big sister for both dances so we both got to watch Aub dance. 

This year the theme was “Lets go to the movies”. 

Aub danced to:

“Mama Mia” for tap & “Ghostbusters” for hip hop

Bitty danced to:

“When I grow up” for tap & “Do Re Mi” for ballet

Mad went to almost all of Bitty’s dance classes with me this year. She loved helping with the girls and even learned the dances herself. She was thrilled to stay back stage with Nannie Boo and I to help the girls today. She especially loved watching her sisters dance from the side of the stage. Today it was determined that she can dance next year and wear a boys costume for recital if she’d like. She’s estatic! And so are her Daddy and I to get to see all three of our lovelies dance together next year, and even more so, that she still gets to be her own little unique self. 

I’m so proud of all of the hard work our girls put in this year. I love getting to watch them do something they enjoy so much. They never cease to amaze me.


Dance pictures 2017

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It’s that time of year again. Where we find ourselves busy at the end of the year with lots of dance and school activities as we draw near the end of a dance season and school year. This evening was dance pictures. Seeing Aub & Bitty all dolled up in their recital costumes posing for pictures that will join all the other framed pictures from dances classes the years before just melted this mama’s heart. Especially when Aub suggested the picture she took with Bitty be like the one she took with Mad two years ago looking at each other, both sisters so incredibly proud. I can hardly wait until next year since Mad has been talking about dancing again with her sisters since she realized she doesn’t have to wear the girly costumes all the time.


We are all loosing our shit…

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I read this quote today and it made me laugh out loud:

“Don’t compare yourself to other mothers. We are all loosing our shit. Some just hide it better than others.”

How true is this? I mean really we are all just doing the best we possibly can. My lil monsters are my world. I’m anything but a perfect mama, but I will forever give them my all. I think some people take social media too serious. Try so hard to “seem perfect” at all times. I love my mama friends and family that are honest about life. Not everything in life is peachy. Some days are just tough. Some days our kiddos even have bad days. Some days we really are all loosing our shit, ha ha. Sometimes we go into something with the best of intentions and well life has other plans. Tantrums are throw, shoes go missing, sofas get drawn on with sharpies and are the furthest thing from your biggest worry. It’s okay to laugh about it. It’s okay to not be a perfect mom. It’s okay to give it your all and some days think you may totally be failing at this mom gig. It’s also okay to share it with your friends and make them feel normal too! 

Incidentally, today I discovered Bitty’s sharpie art on our sofa. I’m about to go to sleep and it’s still there. I’m okay with this fact. I’ll clean it and someday I’ll miss her little art mishaps. So I choose to laugh about it, of course not in front of her:) 


Hair x’s 3

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When I was a little girl I got one bad hair cut. Well it wasn’t horrible, but more was cut off than I had wanted. It was all it took for me to not let anyone except my mom cut my hair after that. This evening Maw-Maw cut all three of our little lovelies hair. Aub’s hair was really getting long, but is now shoulder length and adorable. Mad decided she wanted her hair shoulder length too and I reshaved the side of her head like she likes it. She couldn’t stop smiling. And this was Bitty’s first real hair cut aside from just getting her bangs trimmed. Now it’s a little past her shoulders and she loves it!


Hey smartie!

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Our three little lovelies are all set for Valentine’s day. Found these cute free printables on Pinterest and printed them on cardstock. Even Bitty wrote her name on every single card for her preschool classmates all by herself! She’s been counting the days until tomorrow. Now we will have to start counting the days until Mardi Gras!
