Tonight our growing way too fast 12 year old went to her first junior high school dance with her best friend. She even wanted me to do her hair for her and let me help her pick out her dress. I’m sure that won’t be the case in the years to come so I’ll cherish these little moments while we have them. Probably the most comical realization as we dropped the girls off was that in that same vehicle was our grandkids watching their aunt go to her first dance. Life really does change so rapidly. When the girls got home I got to see all of their pictures and videos they took. Safe to say they had a lot of fun dancing the night away!
Category Archives: a day in this mama’s life
Total miracle
Posted onIt’s a complete and total miracle. Took Aub dress shopping last night for her first school dance and she wanted the very first and only dress she tried on! Thank you baby Jesus! But seriously though who told this girl she can grow up so fast?
Aub, 12 years old
Valentine’s 2018…
Posted onLoving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done. Be mine forever?
My fella really does get me. He got me two of my favorite types of flowers, and said the tulips are because he knows how excited I am to go to Holland, MI during our upcoming getaway. A little town that has a huge tulip festival every spring (we will be there a month early and likely won’t get to see tulips so he got me some). To know me is to know my love for llamas, alpacas, pigs, mini goats, and chickens. He promises to someday buy us land and fill it with my favorite animals. Even if that dream never comes true, I now own my very own quirky little alpaca made with real alpaca fur! It’s simply the cutest and so incredibly soft! Then as if the flowers, alpaca, & sweet card wasn’t enough he got me Willie! Okay, so he didn’t actually buy me Willie Nelson, but he got me tickets to finally get to see this man live! A concert we’ve wanted to see for years now. Last and certainly not least, I’m thankful to have a husband that doesn’t only show me genuine love on February 14th, but each and every single day both in little and big ways and THAT is what makes me feel like the luckiest lady ever! But seriously, tulips, hydrangeas, a baby alpaca, AND Willie Nelson!!!
Now for a date night at home with a movie in bed, wine, beer, popcorn & my favorite guy in the world after our little ladies are all tucked in bed.
Containable excitement?
Posted onFavorite weekend mornings
Posted onSome of my favorite weekend mornings are spent laying in bed drinking coffee and seeing how many kiddos and pups will pile in the bed with us to chit chat before we start the day.
Shoe tying little lady!
Posted onSigh, try as I may I can’t slow these monsters’ fast paced growing down. It seems my days of needing to tie my children’s shoes are gone. Because my baby has fully mastered the skill and no longer needs daddy or Mama’s help in that department.
Hanging out with Susie…
Posted onGot to hang out with my lovely mother in law today. She is such a busy gal so I was thrilled to have her ask me to spend the day with her. I even got to be the first to see their new beautiful home!
Raising snowflakes
Posted onIt’s official, we must be raising snowflakes. Our six year old tried to convince me to let her stay home with me so her chapped lips can heal. She may be my child that dislikes mornings almost as much as I do, ha ha
This mouth
Posted onCold & flu season
Posted onAubrie takes a sip of Mad’s drink and she screams “Put my drink down! It’s cold and flu season!”
Mad, 8 years old