Aubrie takes a sip of Mad’s drink and she screams “Put my drink down! It’s cold and flu season!”
Mad, 8 years old
Aubrie takes a sip of Mad’s drink and she screams “Put my drink down! It’s cold and flu season!”
Mad, 8 years old
Every so often I like to take off and have a special day with each of my children. As a mama of four it’s easy to sometimes feel like you just get so caught up in day to day life. These lil monsters are my world and I adore our one on one bonding time and reminding each of them just how important they are to me. Lord knows they grow up far faster than I’d like them to.
So today was my little Mad’s day! She picked pizza for lunch and then we went to see the movie Wonder. Such a perfect choice! I loved every minute of our time out. Even if the movie did make me tear up a bit. It reminded me a bit of the little fighter she is and how strong she truly is in being her own little person. Over the years people have attempted to question why she wears boy clothes or try to force “girl toys” on her as a present. Mad is such a unique child. She is strong willed, brilliant, always strives to be her best, and one of the kindest little hearts you’ll ever know. I’m so blessed to be her mama.
Mad (8 years old): “Almost everything is made in China.”
Bitty (5 years old): “Except us. We’re not made in China.”
Spent a few hours helping in Bitty’s class for her kindergarten polar express party! It hit me today. I only have four more years of these Christmas parties before all of my babies are in middle and high school. I loved watching all of these precious five and six year olds share a breakfast together before doing their book exchange. And the book exchange, such an adorable moment to watch Bitty’s expression when she realized she got the Polar Express book! I love these priceless moments and that my husband makes it possible for me to not have to miss them.
This evening was our second Christmas performance of the week, this time for our sweet 3rd grader! We so enjoyed watching her sing and dance her little heart out! Life gets so hectic and busy during the holidays, but it truly is a magical time of year. I just can’t believe how fast these years are flying by!
Watching our three precious dancers’ months worth of work pay off is one of the most priceless rewarding experiences ever. I love being their mama.
Today our two youngest babes had their kindergarten and 3rd grade character book parade at school. Mad was “Klause” from the book “Series of Unfortunate Events” and Bitty was “Alice” from “Alice in Wonderland”. They have a half day of school and get to look forward to a weekend with Maw-Maw! Matt and I are out of town for the weekend to watch my best friend get married! On our way our we stopped by for a quick visit with Budah, Monica, & Nina. Then took a little In…
to check out…
After a little exploring we found this gem of a spot to take a picture…
And if anyone didn’t already know, he truly is my greatest find. After a leisurely lunch and roaming through a few shops we took off to Denton. After getting settled in our hotel
We discovered we were less than a half an hour from Oklahoma, so why not add a new state to our list of places we’ve been together.
So we took off to a casino for a nice dinner after walking around and taking in the sights. Luckily we aren’t big on gambling, so we only lost a few dollars. Then back to Denton we went to enjoy the rest of the evening together. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings! How cute are these little sparrows we found for our bedroom in Waco? We have matching sparrow tattoos, and they happens to have a red and blue one which red and blue birds have always been significant to me, so they were perfect!
“Wait! Maw-Maw & Paw-Paw were married TO EACH OTHER?” – Bitty, 5 years old
“Kids these days!” -Mad, 8 years old
Mad had another first. Her first friend spending the night. They got so excited when I told them she could stay the night. Aside from Lala next door Mad really only has boys for friends. So she hadn’t really had the opportunity for sleepovers. Around 10pm she came to me crying. She said she was scared to have a sleepover and wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. I explained to her that typically that nervousness comes when you sleep at a friends for the first time, and not the other way around. After a little talk she was better with the situation. Over all she had fun, however she did decide that maybe she’s to young for sleep overs yet, and she would rather stick to playdates. Turns out Mad is so used to going to sleep early and getting up early that she was overwhelmed by having a friend want to stay up late having slumber party fun. Not too horrible of an outcome for two eight year olds:)