Bathtime monitor 

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A few days ago I write this facebook post:

“Today I learned something else that was unknowingly foreign to me. I forgot what it was like to take a bath or shower without a kiddo trying to climb in with me or picking that exact moment to corner me with 1,001 random questions that could have easily waited. At least the dogs felt the need to keep checking on me.”

Then today while taking my bath:

Bitty dancing around my bathroom while I take a bath…

Bitty: “You haven’t taken a bath in a while mommy!”
Me: “That’s because I’ve been taking them while you’re at school every day.”
Bitty: “WHAT?”
How dare I take baths without her supervision?
Bitty, 5 years old, my bathtime monitor 


“Power mom”

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Aub: “Bitty just yelled at me because I didn’t know how old she is.”

Me: “Well maybe you should know how old your little sister is.”

Aub: “You don’t know how old I am.”
Me: “Ummm, 12.”
Aub: “Well when will I turn 13?”
Me: “9 months and 3 weeks”
Aub: “WOW! You are such a power mom! You know know everything, you remember everything, and you have eyes in the back of your head! POWER MOM!”
Side note: I didn’t know I had to actually print the paperwork for first day of school forms to turn in today. I also didn’t remember to buy ink for our printer. I am such a power mom. Now let’s see if she thinks I’m such a cool power mom in say 3 or 4 years, ha ha


First sleepover

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Mad had another first. Her first friend spending the night. They got so excited when I told them she could stay the night. Aside from Lala next door Mad really only has boys for friends. So she hadn’t really had the opportunity for sleepovers. Around 10pm she came to me crying. She said she was scared to have a sleepover and wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. I explained to her that typically that nervousness comes when you sleep at a friends for the first time, and not the other way around. After a little talk she was better with the situation. Over all she had fun, however she did decide that maybe she’s to young for sleep overs yet, and she would rather stick to playdates. Turns out Mad is so used to going to sleep early and getting up early that she was overwhelmed by having a friend want to stay up late having slumber party fun. Not too horrible of an outcome for two eight year olds:)


“Is that Richard?”

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Talking to my dad on speakerphone this morning on the way to get my coffee and Bitty chimes in from the back seat “Is that Richard?”, because all five year old’s call their Paw-Paw by their first name? 

Bitty, 5 years old

-This has been an on going joke between my dad and the girls. They get the biggest kick out of calling him Richard while he acts completely shocked. I’m not sure who finds this little game more amusing. Probably my daddy. 
