Cursing Harvey

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The effects of Hurricane Harvey…

Cons: He attempted to knock our back fence down. And did split a few boards in half. Matt and I spent an hour out in the wind and rain securing it and our 5 year old tree in the front yard that it nearly tore our of the ground. Nearly pulled the gutter off of the back of the house and did on the front of the house. 

Pros: Thankfully we were safe the entire time. Our fence didn’t fall after all. Our tree is holding on. The gutters can easily be repaired. We had a safe roof over our heads, food until the storm passed and roads were safe to drive on. We weren’t in the area of our county that needed to be evacuated because of the threat of flooding due to over flowing rivers and creeks. We had our power the entire time. Counting our blessings, especially knowing I’ve rode out much worse and far closer to the coast and have seen first hand what kind of damage a hurricane is capable of after the wrath of Katrina and the loss of our family home.


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