Simplest of things

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Look for joy in the simplest of things.

There is nothing more precious than watching our four little monsters grow and thrive. Each with their very different personalities. I cherish every day that I am able to hear their laughter. Witness a new milestone. Watch them play with a friend or cousin. Share stories with each other. Read a book together. Watch them draw a masterpiece. Hear how their day at school or work was. Listen to them sing. Watching our son all to quickly become a man. Cooking with them. Watch them dance, cheer, or do a cart wheel. Seeing our little ladies running on their tippy toes. Taking a stroll with them or watching them at the playground. Seeing our son master that new skate trick. I simply adore these monsters of mine. I love being able to share all of these moments along my husband’s side. Our monsters truly are our greatest blessings! Even on a bluest of blue days, they always bring me happiness. 20130909-121851.jpg


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