Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

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Today has been quite interesting to say the least. Bitty had a rough night due to teething. I went to sleep around 1:30am and was wide awake by 4am. Took our son to the airport only to be greeted by the longest security check line we have ever seen! Ran a quick errand and then back home to get our munchkins ready for Bitty & Buggie’s 18 month old & 4 year old well exams. It wasn’t until I took Bitty’s diaper off for her weight check and was then holding a naked baby that it hit me…I left home without a single diaper:/ eek! Luckily the Doctor’s office was able to rescue me with a boys size 6 pull up! All I could do was laugh at myself & the crazy morning I had had. Bitty just stood there staring down completely confused, my poor sweet girl! We survived the diaper less moment, the horrible 4 year old shots, and the drive home by myself with 4 sweet little girls.

It just goes to show. No matter how many children you have. No matter how many years of experience you have. No matter how many times you have packed some diapers in to your purse, diaper bag, or car. You can never be too perfect! Parents are allowed to make mistakes too. It just depends on how you respond to those mistake as to what kind of lesson you will teach your monsters. Today I taught mine that while it was a tiresome, traffic ridden morning, security lines out the wooha, a quick paced morning with 4 monsters ranging in age between 18 months & 8 years old, that involved many vaccines, and not enough diapers. It was still going to be okay!



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