To my son

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Advice for my son…(nephews and Godsons)

1. Never misplace your faith in God.

2. While you may sometimes wish I would get off of your back, remember I am always the one that has your back.

3. You will always be my baby. Even when you’re a little old man. Deal with it.

4. When you move out, call us & visit when you’re able. While we are thrilled to watch your next chapter unfold, you have no idea how much you’re presence will be missed.

5. Money & material items aren’t everything. Don’t ever let either go to your head.

6. Stand up for those that can’t stand up for themselves.

7. Be healthy!

8. I’ve been there, done that on more things you can imagine. I’m not stupid and I know what you’re doing. I was once your age and ten times worse.

9. While I can’t wait to be a Maw-Maw don’t rush in to being a dad. It is harder than it looks. Remember some ladies try to get pregnant!

10. Always treat a lady with the respect your dad gives me and the respect you would want a fella to give your sisters or daughter someday.

11. Know how to use tools and to sew on a button.

12. The job of a stay at home mom is equally as hard as yours. Offer to help when you get home.

13. If a girl tries to change you she doesn’t really love you, no matter how much you’re into her.

14. Learn to forgive. It’s not as easy as it looks.

15. When shaking a man’s hand, always look him in the eye.

16. If you get arrested, call me. You get one free get out of jail.

17. What others think of you is none of your business. What matters is how you feel about yourself.

18. Accept others for who they are.

19. Wherever you are in life, always know you can come home.

20. Think before you ink. No face tattoos and no job stoppers.

21. No means no. In every possible circumstance.

22. If I yell at you, it’s because I love you. And also because you pissed me off. To avoid the latter, don’t be an idiot.

23. Cover it. (Enough said.)

24. Never EVER hit a girl for any reason! With that said, never stay in a relationship with a lady that thinks it’s okay to hit you.

25. You WILL make mistakes in life. Learn from them. Don’t beat yourself up over something you can’t change.

26. Real men love Jesus.

27. Housework is not just a woman’s job. Know how to cook, know how to clean, know how to do laundry. Never ever think you are too good to help your mom or help your lady.

28. It is never acceptable to break up with a girl by phone or online.

29. Always be polite. Open doors for people. And for God’s sake respect your elders.

30. You are the funniest person I know.

31. Lift the toilet seat & put it back down when you are done. Even if you live alone. Believe me no girl will feel romanced if she falls in your john.

32. It is okay to cry.

33. Take the road less traveled.

34. Be friends with people you wouldn’t be embarrassed to bring around your family. This goes for dating as well.

35. Count your blessings, not your problem.

36. Never be in too much of a hurry when you get behind the wheel of a car. You will never be able to live with yourself if you kill someone due to your carelessness.

37. Remember your roots.

38. Don’t ever get behind the wheel of a car drunk or in the car with someone that is. Call us ANYTIME for a ride. Yes, it will likely piss me off. But I would be proud of your responsibility.

39. Love your siblings, even if you don’t like them. Some day you will be trying to get them to take care of me in my old age. If they are mad at you, you may be the one to get stuck with me. Remember you have a one in four chance! Don’t screw it up!

40. When I tell you to clean up your room don’t point out the fact that mine is messy. I’m trying to raise you to be better than me.

41. Don’t cheat! If you can’t find happiness in your relationship, break up with her. It will scar her longer than you know if she discovers you cheated. And she will, women have the ability to find out anything.

42. Table manners. Use them.

43. Race is just a skin color. It is what lies beneath that matters.

44. A dutch oven is never funny, ever.

45. Men can ask for directions. No need to drive in circles around the block twenty times because of your pride.

46. “Swag” will never pay your bills.

47. Don’t worry about finding the right girl. Focus on being the right guy.

48. Offer your seat to a lady. No matter how old she is.

49. Believe in yourself.

50. Never send a text or photo you wouldn’t share or show your mom or sisters.

51. If you can’t be kind, be quiet.

52. Never date someone that is cheating on someone to be with you. Don’t fool yourself into believing they won’t cheat on you.

53. Drugs aren’t as cool as others will lead you to believe.

54. Always be benevolent. Yes, that’s a word. Look it up.

55. Work hard at everything you do.

56. You don’t have to be an old man to know right from wrong.

57. Never use the word gay in a derogatory manner. It’s ignorant.

58. Never be a bully.

58. Don’t get married before you can legally drink.

59. While I can’t wait to be able to be your friend, I am too busy being your mom now.

60. Good friends are hard to come by, value the true ones you have.

61. You can talk to me about ANYTHING! And if not me, please talk to someone else!

62. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.


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