They are weak but he is strong

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Only my love would fall asleep in a class for a sleep study. It’s been an interesting day to say the least! My pain still has the best of me, but I am hanging on to my PMA. I’m super excited about the “HLL&G”! There I go vague blogging again. But the few that need to know will know what it means. Gah! So stoked you guys!

I think possibly the brightest part of this day has been my Bitty Boo having me read/sing the same book to her over and over again. No I am not the vocalist my Hubster and my MIL are, but I will shamelessly sing to my babies! Ha ha. Watching this little fire cracker of mine dancing happily each and every time I sang for her just melts this mama’s heart! And she is trying very hard to sing along. It’s a song I have always sang to my monsters, so I am beyond happy that this is her new fave.20131016-001054.jpg


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